Adding Gaussian Blur to Swift Mobile App’s UIView
Adding Gaussian blur to the UIView of your mobile application can improve its user experience a lot. Let me show you three simple ways to apply this popular visual effect in Swift.
Just checking if ‘everything’s fine’ or trying to break an application in all possible ways? Software testing and QA may seem the most obvious parts of software development to non-programmers, but defining them has been problematic. Let’s approach both and examine their roles.
Adding Gaussian blur to the UIView of your mobile application can improve its user experience a lot. Let me show you three simple ways to apply this popular visual effect in Swift.
As an iOS developer, you certainly know that the basic programming architecture for Xcode is MVC - Model-View-Controller. But is MVC really the best way to make mobile apps? I checked out by giving the VIPER design pattern a try. Look what I found out.
Clean temporary and unwanted files from Xcode with your own AppleScript app.
Spinners let people know that your app isn't frozen while loading content. Check out how to make one that can be used on many views and storyboards.
In this post I’d like to show you how to make a very simple calendar picker - using class UICollectionView
. Why? Sometimes default UIDatePicker
isn’t sufficient enough. For example, when you need horizontal date picker or when there is no place for the standard date picker. OK, let’s see how to do it.
How to make time if you are too busy? Find out some ideas how you can help yourself with learning Swift if you don’t have enough time. Or, if you want to improve your skills in a train, plane, break between lessons, etc.