Modular design concepts: Coupling
What is coupling in modular design? Let's learn about their various types and fields of application.
Web applications would not have existed without APIs... or, at least, they would have been much more difficult to use. In our new tutorial, we'll get you a proper introduction to API design and take a look at the most popular approaches towards this matter.
What is coupling in modular design? Let's learn about their various types and fields of application.
Simple and easy are often believed to be the same, but in software development they can be false friends. How to distinguish between them is one of the basic problems of modular design. Let's delve deeper into this topic.
What are modules? Why do we use them at all? What do we apply them to? What’s the difference between deep and shallow ones? Let’s delve into the basics of modular design.
Alt attribute - one, little, silly image tag attribute. Some think that it has no importance, others try to put it on every image. Which solution is the right one? Is there a right one at all? Let’s discuss it!
Learn how Spotify uses Elixir and leverages Phoenix LiveView for its internal web application.
Elixir/Phoenix uptime monitor tutorial vol. 6. This time you'll learn how to utilize Ecto functions for data serving. Curious? Let's start!
After routing and controllers, let us take a few looks at data gathering in an Elixir/Phoenix application. In the fifth part of our website uptime monitor tutorial, you'll learn about the available data gathering options in the Phoenix framework, how your application can benefit from Quantum, and testing.
Since its first shipping, Active Storage has revolutionized attaching files to Ruby on Rails applications. Learn what it is, how to set it up and use it, as well what's new in Rails Active Storage in 2021!
Before we delve into the topic of data gathering in Elixir/Phoenix, let us focus on another core aspect of our uptime monitor application: routing and controllers.
Looking for an Elixir developer's job? Need a career roadmap? This article will guide you step by step! From entry-level jobs, mid developer positions, to senior Elixir engineer and beyond! Have fun!
Data models, contexts and modular design are all part of an Elixir/Phoenix application's architecture. Learn how to build and handle them with the third part of our tutorial!
How to handle authorization and authentication in your Elixir/Phoenix project? Read the second part of our uptime monitor tutorial, and learn about building your own solution, utilizing external dependencies, as well as using a native Phoenix solution: mix phx.gen.auth.
“The remote patient-therapist relationship is here to stay”, says Nathan Skwortsow, CTO and co-founder of telehealth platform Physitrack.
Elvium is a Danish web-based human resources management system, founded in 2012. Its CEO, Jesper Andersen, walks us through its beginnings and highlights the most recent developments.
Welcome to the first part of our Elixir/Phoenix tutorial series. In this one, you will learn how to build an uptime monitor for websites and web applications. Step one: setting up the project.