There are things from your past you'll always be regretting.
Remember how many times you refused things, just because your infantile stubbornness told you so?
The defendant: your old habits.
For example: being pig-headed about drinking milk. It's so funny, now most of us literally can't live without milk, and I'm not thinking only about pouring it into coffee – can you imagine The Big Lebowski's drink a.k.a White Russian or Malibu without fresh cold milk? Or, not to look far, hated by almost every child, spinach. Now it's hard to refuse aromatic, vivid spinach pasta served with chilled, white, acidic Riesling, Sauvignon or Gruner Veltliner... (Woop, woop, it's weekend!)
Take a closer look at something related to every day schedule. Remember your determined resistance to an afternoon nap in a nursery school? I do, and to be honest with myself, over those years, I wonder – how could I?!?
Nursery daytime nap - hated as a child, desirable as an adult.
There are moments in your work when it's quite hard to keep your head above the water, especially when tasks stubbornly wants to pull you under. Being at the wit's end, powerless against the duties. It is nothing new that workers become increasingly unproductive as the day goes by. Just for some reasons, just for biology. It is also nothing new that nap taking during the day boosts whole performance. So, why won't you become habitual nap-taker?
It's nap time!
It doesn't matter if you're a lark or an owl. Several moments of catnap will turn you from Walking Dead to the successful member of Criminal Minds (or Sherlock, Ally McBeal, even Breaking Bad if you want) All you have to do is to re-boot your brain, according to several conditions recommended by the sleep experts, including how long and when to sleep, depending on what you want to achieve by sleeping. It is believed that 10 to 20 minutes nap will give you decent energy kick for the rest of the day, raise your alertness and sharpen your senses. And what is important – you'll be able to go back to work in a pinch. Longer naps may have positive affect on your cognitive memory processes, however you'll need some minutes to come to yourself after waking up. It is so, because there's the possibility of reaching the deeper stages of your dream.
Follow the famous snoozers.
Being caught on sleeping during the day is not shameful matter! On the contrary. History knows several famous nappers who pride themselves in regular healthy turnouts. Did you know that Thomas Edison was truly embarrassed about his secret ritual habit that he couldn't help? On the other hand, everybody knew that Churchill's afternoon nap was non-negotiable part of his every day schedule. Napoleon had the ability to fall asleep at the drop of a hat. What is more, he slept like a baby even when cannons were rumblings nearby. Ronald Regan kept his sense of humor, though he was criticized for his short naps during the day, whereas John F. Kennedy made it obvious that he used to eat his lunch in his bed and then settle down for a short nap.
Take a nap.
So, why won't you join the famous club of great nappers? Prevent burnout, restore your batteries, become more productive and creative, but the most important: change the thinking about napping. People who sleep during the day are not lazy. They are probably more shrewd than one can think.
Yawn... better head to our chill-out room. Just for a while. Nighty, night!
Credits: image from unsplash.com