6 'cool' ways to feel Stress Free at work
No matter how much you adore your job, you probably feel the heat from time to time at work. (i.e. if you're a human just like me). The constant glaring at the screen not only puts a lot of strain in your eyes but also causes headache and can lead to increased anxiety and depression.
Ouch! That's bad. Well, to make you feel a 'tad' bit better, you can easily de-stress yourself and that too without wasting much time. Try out these 6 remedies to say stress a big 'Adios' and give your workday a much needed boost:
1. Walk in the Park.
Who doesn't love having a nice stroll in a park. I guess everyone. It's perhaps the best de-stress therapy out there and just twenty minutes spent in the midst of nature can re-charge your batteries and calm your nerves. If you do not fancy walking, take your lunch to a park! All you need is fresh air to clear your lungs.
2. Stand up.

No matter how comfortable your chair is, you gotta standup from time to time to let the blood flow through your body. We at Prograils have these awesome 'Standing Desks' which lets you work in a standing position. Sweet right?
Just stand up and jump couple of times if you don't have one!
P.S. Half of this post I wrote standing up.
3. Cut yourself out.
Sometimes all you need to do is cut yourself loose and do what you love whilst listening to your favourite music.
Our CEO Maciej likes to put on his favourite headphone, close his mailbox, slack, etc and just try to get into the zone and write some good code. Smart tip for all you coders out there ;)
4. Lie Down.
Sitting in an office chair for a prolonged period of time can cause back pain and not to mention a loss of concentration.
A fun and relaxing way to overcome is just to lay down and chill for a while. You can listen to your favourite music or just work while lying down in a hammock. I simply like to read an article to unwind myself.
P.S. If you think you'll easily doze off, don't forget to keep an alarm clock in handy.
5. Watch something educational.
There are tonnes of educational resources available online to learn a new skill or to keep up with the latest trend. I personally, like to enrol myself in a course on udemy.com and watch a segment everyday for 15-20 mins.
Within weeks you'll be blessed with a new skill and you can then brag about it in the office or among your friends :D
6. Play Table Football
Aha! It's just awesome to have a football table in our office. No better way to loosen your muscles and challenge your mates in a game of table football. It's a really fun way to get the blood flowing in your body and re-gain your concentration.
Feeling de-stressed already? If not, indulge yourself in one of the above activities to calm your nerves.
P.S. We would love to know some of your de-stress therapy at work? Sharing is caring!
Photo: Unplash
Gif: giphy.com