How to get the job of a Ruby on Rails developer at Prograils
You have completed your Ruby on Rails course or many of them, been writing code for a while now and have some brilliant ideas. Why not test them in some real work environment and apply for a Ruby on Rails developer position? At Prograils, you have a unique opportunity to learn its flavor. Let us show you how to impress us.
Treading the path of a future Ruby on Rails developer at Prograils
We are hiring! This statement accompanies our logo on different occasions. Yes, even though Prograils is a small software house, we are always eager to meet new people full of talent and passion for coding. If then you consider yourself an experienced Ruby on Rails developer, deliver a clean and functional code, and look for new opportunities - this might be a good reason to get in touch with us.
So… shoot us an e-mail at hello@prograils.com. Include your professional CV, a link to LinkedIn if you have one and, last but not least, to your GitHub account. You can be sure your message will not end up unchecked, as we pay our fullest attention to every single application.
Having said that, let me give you a couple of hints how to impress us.
Making of the Prograils Ruby on Rails developer: the recruitment task
Congrats! If you made it to this phase, it means you had made a good impression and we want to check out your skills. How? The answer is: the good old recruitment task. In fact, we do have a proud tradition of using recruitment tasks of some of our developers on the daily basis: Bailiff (for managing our team’s expenses), our Absence calendar as well as the Rewards web application are but a few examples.
Getting back to your recruitment task, here is what you are going to do:
- choose one of the tasks we have prepared for candidates applying for Ruby on Rails developers,
- prior to that, estimate the number of hours you need to complete the task, provided that 40 hours is the maximum time,
- present us with the ready task within the estimated timeframe.
We expect you to estimate the time you need for the recruitment task in order to check your ability to plan your work and whether you are able to deliver it on time. In the world of IT, where projects are paid for based on the Time & Materials method, this ability is the protein, not the spice!
Now, mind the stuff that is absolute must regarding your recruitment application:
- Your code should be posted on GitHub,
- Deployed on Heroku,
- CI is plugged in (ie. codeship, travis, doesn't really matter),
- Tests are passing (controller + model tests are bare minimum, provided they are applicable),
- The most recent (stable) version of Ruby and gems are used. Which means using Ruby 2.3.0 or Rails 4.2.5 will disqualify you without further checking your code. Remember that these conditions have to be met within the aforementioned 40 hours.
Apart from the mandatory stuff, here are the things which will definitely increase your chances of getting a Ruby on Rails developer’s job:
- Don’t let your app look like crap. Provide some basic look of your product and take care of its usability,
- Check if OAuth works for authorization (Facebook and/or Twitter),
- Feature tests,
- Hold true to the ES6 standard,
- Use react/stimulus + turbolinks are in frontend,
- Use background worker for emails,
- After completing the basic application, you can introduce some kind of a "twist" or additional feature to it that you think might be useful.
One step away from being a Ruby on Rails developer at Prograils
We examine your work. If it is good and impresses us, we invite you to our hq in Poznań to talk about your prospective career over a cup of coffee. If your results can still be better, we will simply ask you to upgrade your skills and come back to us sooner or later via e-mail.
If the former situation occurs, it is very likely that we will offer you a three-month trial period. During this time, we want to learn if we understand each other and are on the same page. If you want to know more about our employment policy and company culture, please take while or two to check our playbook.
As weird as it may sound, we do not have strict career paths, as we run away from the worn out, corporate terms. On the other hand, you can be sure will be rewarded properly, according to your commitment and skills. Plus, of course, we give every employee opportunities to shape their professional development in harmony with their goals and needs.
Wrap up
At Prograils, we create bespoke software for clients from all over the world. Being a Ruby on Rails developer equals being responsible for delivering outstanding products that match their business needs and vision. It is a creative work, requiring not only excellent coding skills, but also a head full of ideas, not to mention being ready to expand your knowledge all the time.
Besides these assets, our developers highlight the ability to actually understand and to defend the solutions in the code you apply, knowing the potential pros and cons.
Convinced, yet open-minded. Committed to your work, full of team spirit and able to share your experience with others - all these traits will definitely put you on the right track to getting a Ruby on Rails developer’s job and enjoying its challenges much longer than just a trial period.
Just the last small hint for all of you who want to take a chance and apply: stay tuned and visit this blog regularly in order to know what we have been up to recently. This will for sure add to the overall impression!
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash