Teamlens.io - Chaos organized.
Have you ever struggled with the information chaos your team makes every day? Have you ever been lost in communication of your own project? Dealing with a non-transparent interaction within your development company gives you a headache? We know the pain, we've been there. And our experience has cracked that hard nut.
So, your business is growing? Congratulations, we're happy for you! But please be aware, growth in your company throws down the gauntlet and creates new challenges, sometimes even pains. One of them is keeping an eye on each developer's daily performance in a micro scale in order to navigate smoothly through information chaos.
To meet this challenge we have created our own internal startup based on Software as a Service technology. An application that gathers every info project manager needs to know, in one place. May we introduce: teamlens.io
"Teamlens.io – the simplicity and transparency of the service give so much value, it assures me of everything I need to know that concernes my company"
Maciej Litwiniuk, the COO of Prograils
At a glance:
Teamlens.io is a SaaS application, made by Prograils.com - the web development company that specializes in Ruby on Rails. The fundamental goal of the app is to manage the internal communication and progress of undergoing projects within the company.
We asked our employees to post a general status update on a daily basis, a short sentence or two that describes their commitment into a particular project and the progress of their work. Commits are organized in a transparent timeline, one by one, in a chronological order.
The toolkit and set of filters select and specify data, including the origins of the commit, project, user and a period session. Results are available to everyone included in a project so devs, management and client always stay up to date. As an addition, teamlens.io integrates with external applications most of the developers use like trello, assembla, pivotal tracker, github, bitbucket etc. Statuses generated on these platforms are collected by the tool and placed in a suitable category so the big picture is even closer any time.
Moreover, Teamlens.io prepares complete reports, tracks time, including hours worked under a particular project so it's easy to maintain a transparent communication with the client based on clear specified documentation. The tool generates detailed reports in .csv or .pdf file format:
Rollout and adoption:
Implementation of the tool went smoothly thanks to the simplicity of its engine. Difficulties have never been approached, feedback from our employees has been extremely positive and valuable. From a manager's perspective, teamlens.io significantly improved productivity and transparency.
“"The amount of seemingly overwhelming data turned out to be provided in an intelligible way. I don't waste my time combing through several sources of commitments. Now a glance into the E-mail with summary teamlens.io sends me every evening is enough to find myself well informed and up to date with the office work."
Maciej Litwiniuk, COO of Prograils
As if all that weren't enough, temlens.io cares for a tied up mind of each developer by sending polite, customized reminders that ask to upload a status:
Maciej summed up:
“"I think I have never realized that the growth in my company will expose me to such amount of stress, everyday long-term strain. Implementing teamlens.io was an unimaginable relief. Not only to me as a a guy that stands in charge of everything but also to everyone involved in a project, from devs, through management to a customer. It just makes work so much easier!"
Transparency and effectife communication are extremely important in project management. Learn how we use Trello to make the software development process as smooth and clear as possible.